Let me start by saying two names are better than one. Back in the day there was a club in a town in rural West Virginia where my bandmates and I witnessed the locals calling one another by not just their first name but the middle name, as well.

We’d hear them shout, “Hey, Michael Todd, what are you doing?”

“Look out, they’re fist fighting, Paul David!”

“Hey, Jimmy Joe, Henry Wayne is drunker than Cooter Brown.”

You get the picture.

Random Acts

I only shared that story to hopefully grab your attention and get you to continue reading.

I am starting a new podcast very soon (the first episode is in the can) called Random Acts and it is going to be exactly that. Lots of music with stories about the music, lots of random ideas, memories, artists and guests. I hope you will listen when it goes live.

Randomness is an amazing thing. Everything happens in the most seemingly random way but I am convinced that things happen behind the scenes about which we are never aware and most times we never realize the connected-ness. Wow, that sounded profound.

Ta Da! And that’s the theme of the show.

Two Names

Call me Chris Keaton. No. Really. Call me, Chris Keaton.

Pick up your phone, dial 615.319.5075 and say these nine words:

“Hey, CK, help me get my career in gear!

It’s. That. Easy. Reach out to me. Now. Let’s take five minutes and see if I can help you be the best you that you can possibly be.

Thank you!

Hey, here’s a simple and easy first step to get you moving in the right direction.  My Twenty Questions for creatives.  Go on.  Click and get started. Have some fun with it and let’s assess where you are and what steps

Take The Twenty

My hope for you is that you to find YOUR two name version of success.
