This article about excuses originally appeared in my weekly newsletter but I wanted to share it again here. Don’t receive my newsletter? Sign up here (the blue box on the right) and get the weekly news delivered to your inbox.

More No More Excuses

Yes, I meant to say that. Building on a recent theme, excuses are just another way to say, “I really don’t accomplish my goals.”


Hit songwriter Marty Dodson, for one. I borrowed some of his ideas for the blog and now I’d like to share a few more. Marty says there are generally two kinds of people in the music business: the Excuse Makers and the Other People.  They both seem to be busy all the time but there is a real difference.

The Excuse Makers seem to be busy with things which keep them from focusing on their career and they never have the time to get it all done. They say things like, “I wish I had more time,” and “That guy gets all he breaks.”

The Other People seem to be busy, too. But they are busy making appointments, writing and demoing songs, contacting industry people who can assist and moving the needle on their career. They say things like, “I want to get better at this,” and “I’m going to make this work.”

Which group are you in?

Do What?

As a reminder, between now and August 15, I am offering new clients $50 off the monthly fee for the first three months of service. That’s right.  I’m making this special limited offer for new song plugging or artist development clients who sign up for my services between now and August 15.

My services have been beneficial and valuable to many and I’m offering new clients a discounted rate to get in now!

I am confident my services, song critiques, coaching, consultation and career development will bring value to you.


Here’s the first step in moving the needle on your career and it’s FREE! This brief exercise will help you assess where you are and where you want to go. I am certain you’ll find it to be helpful.  And then reach out to me and let me offer you the new client discount and get you started.

So, #TakeTheTwenty. You did Take The Twenty, right?  If not, why not do it now?

Photo Credits: Cover; c.2016