A man in a suit and tie talking to people.

Emerging Artists Tip Number One

Tip Number One – See and Be Seen

Last week, you may have seen my Top Ten Tips list for Emerging Artists.  Ever since then, I have gotten tons of calls, emails, and texts. Okay, I got one text.  The message was, “are you kidding me?â€

Oh, well, at least I have people reaching out to me and for that I am grateful!

Now, I’m going to share the truth.  I compiled the tips, and I am sharing each one in more detail. So, as they used to say in the cartoons, “Here goes nuttin’!â€


My colleague, Rich Piombino, a music and radio industry veteran, always shared this tip and used this term to tell artists how important it is for them to be visible. Face it, if industry peeps don’t know you, you might as well be invisible. But there is a remedy for invisiblity. Get yourself out there!!!

If you want to increase your “net worth†as an artist, you need to increase your “network.† How, you ask? Attend music events, concerts, shows, showcases, and industry hangouts. It’s part of your job. Join industry associations like NSAI (Nashville Songwriters Association International), The Recording Academy, the Musicians Union, and any number of local, regional, and national organizations. Get out of the studio or the house, and attend events so that you can see the people you need to see.

…And Be Seen.

And, of course, so that you can be seen by them, as well. Don’t discount the importance of people knowing your face. It’s basically the Law of Association in action.

Here’s an example for you. When I first arrived in Nashville, I was intent on breaking into the business. I went out every night and attended every music related event I could find. It was hectic, tiring and crazy, but after about three weeks, a gentleman who I seemed to see at every event approached me and said hello. He asked my name and introduced himself as the VP of A & R for a major label.


The doors began to open for me. And they will for you, too. But you must See and Be Seen.

Now, get outta here and remember to allow the wow!!!

More to come. (At least nine more tips!)

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(615) 319-5075