This article about time originally appeared in my weekly newsletter but I wanted to share it again here. Don’t receive my newsletter? Sign up here (the blue box on the right) and get the weekly news delivered to your inbox.



Time is money, time is tight, time is of the essence. Blah, blah, blah. I could go on but I just don’t have the time.

This article about excuses originally appeared in my weekly newsletter but I wanted to share it again here. Don’t receive my newsletter? Sign up here (the blue box on the right) and get the weekly news delivered to your inbox.I’m late, I’m late, for a very important date!

I know, right? You’re as sick of these cliches as I am but wait; here is the truth.

Timing is everything.

In a joke.

In a speech.

In a song.

Get the message?


Sometimes. You. Have. To.

Wait for it.

Wait for the right time to make the pitch or pop the question. Wait for the right moment to ask for the gig or the solo. Wait for the right time to ask someone to cut your song or give you a record deal.

It really is all about finding the right moment and then maximizing that moment to your benefit and sometimes you need some assistance in telling time.



Now is the time for MY entrance. Stop worrying about when to do what and focus on being the best artist you can possibly be.  Then reach out and find someone in the business who knows what time it is.

I know, I know, you’ve heard this before. At least a time or two (okay, I’ll stop with the time puns).But here’s the truth; whether or not you hire me and utilize my sense of timing, you need someone on the inside with the necessary contacts, access and a great sense of timing.


What Time Is It NOW?


Time to reach out to me or someone who can help you find precisely the right moment to make it happen for you.  To maximize that moment and make it yours. Because, you deserve it!

I hope you find my words to be helpful and get the point that, as a professional, I am looking out for your best interests whether you hire me or not. But, the clock IS ticking.

So, #TakeTheTwenty. You did Take
The Twenty, right?  If not, why not do it now? Please go for it.