Always get me down. At least that’s the lyric to the song Rainy Days and Mondays. The song was written by Roger Nichols and Paul Williams and recorded by The Carpenters. Although I love the song ( the layered backing vocals still sound amazing even though they were recorded in 1971!), I happen to disagree with the lyric.

Rainy Days

It’s all a matter of perspective. Some look at rain and see dreariness. It makes them feel down and maybe even depressed. But here’s my perspective.

The plants, trees and flowers are loving it!  They are drinking it all in and it helps them to grow and prosper. So take a beep breath and remember that maybe April showers do bring May flowers. (Yes, I know it’s still March but humor me.)

And don’t even get me started on the rainbows!

And Mondays

In my opinion, Mondays get a bad rap.  It’s not a bad day.  In fact,  my perspective is that it’s another chance to go for it.  A new day.  The top of the new work week.

Or you can just say, “Monday , Monday,” but that’s another song for another time.

 Always Get Me Down

Please don’t let the rain or a Monday get you down.  Stay strong and follow your dream.

And pick up your phone, dial my number and say these nine words:

“Hey, CK, can you help me with my career?”

It’s. That. Easy. Reach out to me. Now. Let’s take nine minutes and see if I can help you be the best you that you can possibly be. Let’s take those Rainy Days (Mondays, too) and continue to grow and flourish.

Hey, here are two simple and easy steps to get you moving in the right direction.  My Twenty Questions for creatives.  Go on.  Click and get started. Have some fun with it and let’s assess where you are and what steps you should take next.

Take The Twenty

Revisit my blog post on CKs Top Ten Tips.


Random Acts Podcast

It’s Ma Jayam Playlist